Sync your product to Molin using a Google Merchant feed from Google Shopping.
You can create a new AI from a Google Merchant feed from here.
IP blocked Google Shopping feeds will not work.
We encourage you to read Google’s official documentation here on how to can create a Google Shopping feed of your products.
For simplicity this is how your product items should look like:
<?xml version="1.0"?><rss xmlns:g="" version="2.0"><channel><title>Example - Google Store</title><link></link><description>This is an example of a basic RSS 2.0 document containing a single item</description><item><g:id>TV_123456</g:id><g:title>Google Chromecast with Google TV</g:title><g:description>Chromecast with Google TV brings you the entertainment you love, in up to 4K HDR</g:description><g:link></g:link> <g:image_link></g:image_link> <g:condition>new</g:condition><g:availability>in stock</g:availability><g:price>49.99 USD</g:price><g:shipping><g:country>US</g:country><g:service>Standard</g:service><g:price>7.99 USD</g:price></g:shipping><g:gtin>123456789123</g:gtin><g:brand>Google</g:brand></item></channel></rss>